GUI Connection

Data binding

The parameter node wrappers have the ability to do two-way data binding between particular GUI elements and parameters of certain types. This means that when the GUI is updated the parameter node wrapper will be automatically updated, and when the parameter node wrapper is updated the GUI will automatically be updated.

There are two ways to declare which GUI widget elements connect to which parameters.

Connecting widgets from a .ui file

Qt Designer has the ability to set Dynamic Properties. These can be used to inform the parameter node wrapper infrastructure which parameters to connect to which widgets. This is the preferred way of connection from the .ui file of a scripted module to its parameter node wrapper.

Simply set a dynamic string property named “SlicerParameterName” to the parameter name it should bind with. If the property does not exist yet then add it by clicking the + button above the property list.

Qt Dynamic Property

Then use the connectGui of the parameterNodeWrapper to connect.

import slicer
from slicer.parameterNodeWrapper import parameterNodeWrapper

class MyModuleParameterNode:
  textValue: str
  iterations: int

class MyModuleWidget(ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget, VTKObservationMixin):
  def setup(self):

    # assuming the image above is in MyModule.ui
    uiWidget = slicer.util.loadUI(self.resourcePath('UI/MyModule.ui'))
    self.ui = slicer.util.childWidgetVariables(uiWidget)


  def enter(self):
    # the connectGui call sets up the bindings and returns a tag that can be
    # used to disconnect the GUI from the parameter node wrapper.
    self._parameterNodeConnectionTag = self._parameterNode.connectGui(self.ui)

  def exit(self):
    # Do not react to parameter node changes (GUI will be updated when the user enters into the module)
    self._parameterNodeConnectionTag = None

  def onApply(self):
    # Because the "SlicerParameterName" properties were set in the .ui file, textValue
    # and iterations are updated whenever their corresponding widgets are updated., self._parameterNode.iterations)


The dynamic properties can also be set in code via widget.setProperty("SlicerParameterName", "parameterName")


Widgets can be connected piecewise to parameter packs by using a dot syntax.

class Point:
  x: float
  y: float

class BoundingBox:
  topLeft: Point
  bottomRight: Point

class CustomParameterNode:
  box: BoundingBox

# In the .ui file, there could be 4 QDoubleSpinBoxes that had the following "SlicerParameterName"s
#   box.topLeft.x
#   box.topLeft.y
#   box.bottomRight.x
#   box.bottomRight.y
# Each of the QDoubleSpinBoxes would be bound to the appropriate sub-piece of the parameterPacks in
# the parameterNodeWrapper

Manual connection

If a .ui is not used, the widget to parameter mapping can be manually specified.

from typing import Annotated
from slicer.parameterNodeWrapper import (

class Point:
  x: float
  y: float

class BoundingBox:
  topLeft: Point
  bottomRight: Point

class CustomParameterNode:
  iterations: int
  box: BoundingBox

param = CustomParameterNode(slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass('vtkMRMLScriptedModuleNode'))

topLeftXSpinbox = qt.QDoubleSpinBox()
topLeftYSpinbox = qt.QDoubleSpinBox()
bottomRightXSpinbox = qt.QDoubleSpinBox()
bottomRightYSpinbox = qt.QDoubleSpinBox()
iterationsSlider = qt.QSlider()

mapping = {
  # Key is parameter name, value is widget object
  "iterations", iterationsSlider,

  # For parameterPacks, can access nested parameter items through dot syntax
  "box.topLeft.x": topLeftXSpinbox,
  "box.topLeft.y": topLeftYSpinbox,
  "box.bottomRight.x": bottomRightXSpinbox,
  "box.bottomRight.y": bottomRightYSpinbox,

connectionTag = param.connectParametersToGui(mapping)

# When the GUI items are updated, it will automatically update the value
# in the parameter node wrapper.
# Also, when the parameter node wrapper is updated, it will automatically
# update the GUI. = 4.2
# Now topLeftXSpinbox.value == 4.2 because of the connections

# can use the disconnectGui method to break the connection

Available connectors

It is not possible to convert from all widget types to all data types. For instance, converting from a QCheckBox to a vtkMRMLModelNode is not really possible.

The following connections are supported:


Some widget bindings will look at the Validators on the type and make updates to the widget accordingly.


When connecting an int to a QSpinBox, if the Minimum annotation is used, it will call spinbox.setMinimum when connectGui/connectParametersToGui is called.

Widget Data type(s) Notes
QCheckBox bool
ctkCheckBox bool
QPushButton bool The push button must be checkable. The bool is whether the button is checked.
QSlider int Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports SingleStep annotation.
QSpinBox int Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports SingleStep annotation.
QDoubleSpinBox float Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports Decimals and SingleStep annotations.
ctkSliderWidget float Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports Decimals and SingleStep annotations.
ctkDoubleSlider float Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators, and SingleStep annotation.
ctkDoubleSpinBox float Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports Decimals and SingleStep annotations.
qMRMLSpinBox float Supports Minimum, Maximum, and WithinRange validators. Supports Decimals and SingleStep annotations.
ctkRangeWidget FloatRange Supports WithinRange validators. Requires Default annotation, supports Decimals and SingleStep annotations.
ctkDoubleRangeSlider FloatRange Supports WithinRange validators. Requires Default annotation, supports SingleStep annotation.
qMRMLRangeWidget FloatRange Supports WithinRange validators. Requires Default annotation, supports SingleStep annotation.
QComboBox int, float, str, bool The Choice validator must be in use for the parameter. The choices will be used to fill the combo box automatically.
ctkComboBox int, float, str, bool The Choice validator must be in use for the parameter. The choices will be used to fill the combo box automatically.
QComboBox enum.Enum If a def label(self): function is present on the enum class, it will be used for generating the text in the combo box.
ctkComboBox enum.Enum If a def label(self): function is present on the enum class, it will be used for generating the text in the combo box.
QLineEdit str
QTextEdit str The value of the parameter will be the plaintext version of what is in the text edit
QLabel str This works only one way from the parameter to the Label
ctkPathLineEdit pathlib.[Path, PosixPath, WindowsPath,
 PurePath, PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath]
ctkDirectoryButton pathlib.[Path, PosixPath, WindowsPath,
 PurePath, PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath]
Only directories can be represented
qMRMLNodeComboBox vtkMRMLNode
 (including subclasses and a typing.Union of nodes)
To do a Union, need to do something like typing.Union[vtkMRMLModelNode, vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode, None].
The None is necessary for the parameter node wrapper default node of None to work correctly.
qMRMLSubjectHierarchyTreeView vtkMRMLNode
 (including subclasses and a typing.Union of nodes)
See notes for qMRMLNodeComboBox.

For widgets that are not listed here see Slicer Issue 7308 for discussion and progress.

Extra annotatations

For some GUIs, extra annotations can be used to set other widget properties. This is especially useful when used in conjunction with createGui (see GUI Creation).

Annotation Signature Notes
Decimals Decimals(<int>) Can be used to change the number of shown decimals for the widget as if by setDecimals(<int>)
SingleStep SingleStep(<int|float>) Can be used to change the single-step value of the widget as if by setSingleStep(<int>)

Custom connectors and reusable widgets

To create custom widgets for parameter packs, see Custom Widgets for Parameter Packs