Volume rendering

Key classes

Format of Volume Property (.vp) file

Volume properties, separated by newline characters.


1 => interpolation type
1 => shading enabled
0.9 => diffuse reflection
0.1 => ambient reflection
0.2 => specular reflection
10 => specular reflection power
14 -3024 0 -86.9767 0 45.3791 0.169643 139.919 0.589286 347.907 0.607143 1224.16 0.607143 3071 0.616071 => scalar opacity transfer function (total number of values, each control point is defined by a pair of values: intensity and opacity)
4 0 1 255 1 => gradient opacity transfer function (total number of values, each control point is defined by a pair of values: intensity gradient and opacity)
28 -3024 0 0 0 -86.9767 0 0.25098 1 45.3791 1 0 0 139.919 1 0.894893 0.894893 347.907 1 1 0.25098 1224.16 1 1 1 3071 0.827451 0.658824 1 => color transfer function (total number of values, each control point is defined by 4 of values: intensity and R, G, B color components)


Examples for common operations on transform are provided in the script repository.